Thursday, October 8, 2009


i had one of the most relaxing Monday afternoons this past week

i walk to a local pharmacy after school &

picked up a mountain dew ( yes..i love it)

let me paint a picture for you

i was supposed to be getting picked up but

i just felt like sitting

i opened my backpack and took out my copy of
Donald millers new book

but i didn't really feel much for reading just yet

just sitting there i some how just narrated in my mind

how i would describe this moment if i had to

" the aroma in the gentle breeze had the faint but consistent
scent of cigarette smoke..
but i didn't mind.. i just sat
watching busy people pass by me sitting at this cafe table.

had my back pack not been next to me
i wondered about what they would think about
some random girl sitting there."

but i never went any further than that.

i'll i know about this day is ..

no special guest speaker appeared at a random school assembly
and their story
made me appreciate mine even more. ( But that's for another day)

there was no great encouraging word spoken to me
by a teacher. there was no magical free ride to any college of my choice
that i won..
no special sale on mountain dew..(disappointing)

all i can remember

what stands out so strong in my mind
was the

peace i had.

there was nothing special
if you went through my day right by my side you could see that.
i think that's what made me love it that much more.
nothing great happened. no revelation.

God's voice never thundered my name

that contentment

taught me something.

peace can be found in the most

un-special. normal situations.

the hero doesn't have to save the damsel and

then reflect on his day staring
into the sunset pondering about the meaning in his life.

to experience peace.

sometimes its just a gift.

and comes at the most un-special time

to make you appreciate it

in the times when you feel like

you need it more than air.

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