Tuesday, December 29, 2009

we learn & we grow

"little kids are so impressionable"

i had a video on my cell phone of my friend

sneaking up and startling his  much younger sister

& i showed it to the 2 year old little girl my mom i look after
& we all laughed for a moment as she
ran in to & out of the kitchen screaming & laughing

mimicking what she saw in the video

she was doing it her way

but she wasnt startling us

she was making us laugh & herself  laugh

this is what in the 1st place caught her attention

the video made her laugh & us laugh

so she liked that we laughed so
 she recreated it.

its alot like how

we live

we see the ( positive or negative) social effects of wearing a certain style of clothing
& the reviews we get

we see the social effects it has when your around of group of people who
use profanity

we see the emotional effects when we make someone smile
or laugh

or cry

we learn these things in life
how we affect it.

at times its easy to think

that if we dont in some way

we arnt benefiting ?

that because we cant have and effect in any way ( positive or negative)

we must not be doing the right things

but what if we changed how we viewed our selves

what if we changed how we viewed

our lives ?

what if we werent so busy worrying about

what to wear next week that

we thought about how someone else would dress

with a low flow of income & donated what we have

that we dont seem to need to someone who would.

what if we didnt care about the latest craze

in our group of friends that we took the time
to discover what we truly

 instead of letting everyone else choose for us

what if we spent one day for
solely for

the benefit of others

to make someone else smile

& at the end of the day

found what truly

is important to us

more than ourselves : we are

are we so open to tell our feelings
but not
about what the real problem is

is it that on the surface we just want attention

or deep down to we really want to be understood
or is that the last thing we want

some one to know too much about who we
really are 
when we dont even know

all we know is
what we like & what we tell everyone that we dont

feeding on the social buzz

leaning on every fake smile

fueling the fire of a public life
dousing the flames of individuality

hoping that some how it'll all be real
when we're just
feeding the facade of

fake friends
taking love out of context 
out of

living for the words that just fall out of our mouths
& are sent out before we even thought about
anyone anyone else
but our selves

who are we

that we want things here & now that
we're willing to sacrifice truth & honesty
& true originality
to meet a demand for what we want

who are we
who are we becoming ?

look around
this is our generation

we can always change it

we can become trustworthy individuals 

& those people who just need 
to reveal the pains of their 
inner self 
waiting to come into the light 


& we can all start 
to live 

to the best of our abilities 

for something more than ourselves 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

endless wonder

isn't it nice to look up at the stars on a clear night
& feel so small 
& at any moment they could fall out of the sky..
 but they don't
 and you get to enjoy them.

& if you're a believer to know that great infinite god who created all of this earth
knows exactly where you are.
and that your admiring his creation  while he's taking delight in his

that all around us is a reminder.
not that that tree over there is god.

but that he

made this dwelling place for us
he poured out his love to create us & even more
 to give us a place of endless wonder.

if you think that it is or not.

i find a lot of things beautiful. 

my definition of beautiful might be different than yours
but when i look up

& i see a 100 stars shimmering held in place by a god
who knows true beauty

i cant help but feel a peace in my soul 

and to me thats beautiful